
Donate Online Now!

Give a one-time gift in any amount! No gift is too big or too small. That is a first step in helping build a home.

Or pledge an ongoing monthly donation! Monthly gifts help ensure the longevity of our work in supporting our mission in Effingham County.

Other ways to Donate

Donate Your Car

Click to Donate a Car to Help Local Families

Use your Kroger Plus Card

Our account number is JN335

Giving back to the Habitat for Humanity could be as easy as doing your weekly grocery shopping. All you have to do is shop at Kroger and use your Kroger Plus Card

All you have to do is register you Kroger Plus Card with the Community Rewards Program, using the link provided below. If you haven’t registered your card yet under your name, you will have to do that first, then click on the Community Rewards Program to sign up for Habitat for Humanity of Effingham County. Our account number is JN335.

Sign Up for Kroger Plus Community Giving for Habitat for Humanity of Effingham County

We appreciate you choosing the Habitat for Humanity of Effingham County as the organization you would like to support. The families we serve thank you for taking the time to make their lives better.

Mail Your Gift:

We welcome any donations through mail via check, cash, or money order

Habitat for Humanity of Effingham County
PO Box 578
Springfield, GA 31329-0578

Tired of paying taxes on your unused property?

Habitat for Humanity is always in need of buildable land in Effingham County.  We have benefited in the past from the generosity of property owners who have donated land on which we could build homes.  If you have property in Effingham County that you would like to donate to Habitat for Humanity of Effingham County please contact our Executive Director at 912.826.6433.  We will handle all of the legal requirements for transferring the property and provide you with the appropriate documents for claiming the donation on your income taxes.

If you have property outside of Effingham County that you would like to donate we will accept that as well.  Although our Covenant with Habitat for Humanity International does not allow us to place families outside of Effingham County, the property could be sold and the proceeds used to meet the needs of partner families in our service area.